Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Year

A Year

It took a year to bring him home...
For passion to re-burn...
To open his forgotten tome...
The Dreamer would return...

Long ago he left behind...
That war he’d one day wage...
He sealed the gateway to his mind...
His spirit’s golden age...

He waved farewell to withered past...
And all his old mistake.
This man would become free at last...
Another path he’d take...

He changed the man he’d want to be...
More practical it seem...
But he had lost his destiny...
This man had lost his dream...

The things he forged would fade away...
And never be the same...
His moments transformed day by day...
From marvelous to mundane...

And yet he could not run from it...
The mistakes that he once made...
Doomed to repeat as was saw fit...
By long forgotten Fate...

So all behind a blinded eye...
He went along his course...
No longer would he dream to fly...
He’d locked away the source...

His soul would slide into the depths
And time slowly went by...
The stars would disappear
As he looked up into the sky...

But deep inside this lonely being...
Still beat the Dreamer’s song
And soon he’d need his heart to sing
As peace would soon be gone...

When he caught the slippery slope...
He peered into his mind...
And there he found forgotten hope
He thought he’d never find...

My dreams have not forsaken me...
My pain has made me strong...
My soul has finally set me free...
To where I now belong...

So here I stand a tempered man
One no longer scarred...
From forlorn when my path began
and now, benevolent bard.

Upon myself I cast this name...
A minstrel of modern day...
And maybe I shall find my fame...
Since dreams don’t fade away...

The Crimson Dreamer, him and I
The man I want to be...
And as I see this brand new sky...
I know that I am free...

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