Tuesday, April 05, 2005


After a weird weekend... things are pretty much back to normal... and I'm bored already... but I was able to write something good... even in the state of emotional dullness that I'm in... So I present this... enjoy!


Open my eyes into a world I know… yet things seem ever so different… The echoes of life course through my soul again… and I have been awakened as I should be… Free of the pain… It no longer concerns me… As if I have been able to just release myself from the toils of life… Yet I still remain wanted… yearning for the spoils of life that I have never experienced… I long for the days when I can look back upon my life and say that I have achieved my destiny… A time that shall bring fourth the trials of time… and help me find the truth in the depths of the dreamer… I walk through these halls… and I know that I am alone… Walking a path that no other being can follow… For I face corruption in my way… an essence that surrounds me… and I cannot succumb to this evil… I continue forward, well aware of the scourge that follows my every move. It is a cold path that I must follow… and the things that I seek like far ahead… I have a long way to go before I can rest… I grow tired from time to time… Wondering why I continue down this path… It can be so dark… so cold… so lonely here… I have no idea what to expect in the days… months… years ahead… I know not where the path ends… what I face in front of me… and how long until I walk this path with another… For today I can no longer continue down this path… so I must rest here… and gain my strength so I can face whatever happens next… I sit down… my feet exhausted… and I look up… Those dark clouds that have followed me since the beginning still loom over my head… My eyes are heavy… and I want to sleep… but I am not sure if I will wake up from this nightmare… I watch those clouds… heavy with lightning… and feel the small needles of rain begin to fall from the sky… I feel myself slipping into the void… I can feel the pain creeping inside the depths of my being… I feel so lost in this place… yet it is the most familiar place I know… I have been drifting here since my journey began… able to escape… but never be free… I have always wandered here… Waiting for someone to break the clouds away… and bring on the stars… It was always someone else who would bring them to me… and I always waited… praying for the day that she would come to me… I’ve been tempted by many… only to realize that it is my heart reaching out for them… nothing would ever be returned to me… so alone I was lost inside the prison of my own soul… I could feel the pain in the pit of my being… it was growing… In order to escape this place… I must channel all the negative energy inside my mind into my soul… this creates a hole that allows me to escape… I’ve always been able to get out this way… until it catches up with me and sucks me back in… I knew what I had to do now.. but I couldn’t do it this time… The pain felt so bad… and I didn’t want to embrace it… not this time… so I stood up… and ran… I ran and ran and ran… never stopping… never looking back… Before me was the cliff upon which I have forged so many dreams… I ran towards it never stopping… I did the only thing I could… I jumped…
Falling… Falling towards the emptiness… I would not embrace it… not this time… My wings broke free… and I took flight… up I soared… flying steadfast into the maelstrom… knowing what barriers stood in my way… I kept going… I could feel the darkness pulling me back… but still I flew… I had something this time… sometime I have not had inside me for a long time… I had my will… It was no matter an issue of power… of love… it was for freedom… I HAD to escape this place… I could feel the darkness surrounding me… and I did not falter… and I never would again… Fate had lost its grip on me… Above my head was the end of the void… above it was freedom, and below was the tormenting of a thousand lifetimes… I knew very well what could happen to me by coming at full speed… it didn’t stop me this time… it was seconds above me… and I was ready… The barrier broke… shattering like glass as I flew through its evil grasp… and I woke up… Looking around… I realized I had been dreaming… but I didn’t feel the pain in my gut… I rested my head on the ground again… and my eyes widened… I saw… the stars… for the first time in years… I saw the stars with my own eyes. It wasn’t some magical reaction to the blade of dreams… or the embrace of a savior… it was in my soul… that I found my own resolve… and destroyed the void that has been inside me for so many a night… The sun was rising… and I felt stronger than I ever had… I gathered my things and set down the path once again… It is no longer a stormy road that I must follow… no longer dark… no longer afraid… I may be alone… I may be the only one around this place for miles… and I may not find my love for many years… but I know now… I will find her… and I can survive long enough to… I have my soul back… I have my freedom back… I have my self back…

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