Saturday, June 19, 2004

New work coming

haha... I'll laugh if someone reads this before I change it... but what the hell...
I've got a new poem on the way... Ill keep the name disclosed for the time being... I dont want to spoil my own fun... *cocks the gun* lol... well anyway... This is probably my favorite piece so far... I hope you all like it when it's ready!

Ok it's ready!


The clock ticks forward day by day…
And my mind is still so far away…
In the world at which I want to be…
To continue to forge my destiny…
But something crossed my path in a way…
That brought sunlight to a cloudy day…
In my aching heart deep down inside…
In the old void where my dreams collide…
There were no more clouds and no more rain…
No more sadness and no more pain…
So now I am free of that terrible place…
And who do I thank? Who’s the one I embrace?
The girl who showed me the stars tonight…
And helped me escape my lonely blight…
Who is the girl that I’m talking about?
Take a wild guess… you’ll figure it out…
Called an Angel by them for the things that she did…
But to me, she is rascally known as “Kid”…
Kid I’ve admired for so many years…
As I recovered my soul, and overcame fears…
She has changed my world, the girl that I love…
My only true link to the stars up above…
The world is a desolate place without her…
But she is the answer, she is the cure…
To the worst of pains; a broken heart…
Cracked open wide… and torn apart…
With her laugh and her smile the pain is gone…
And with that the darkness withers to dawn…
I dream of a day when you’re by my side…
Hand in hand on our wings we will stride…
It is only a dream… as much as that sucks…
The idea causes my emotions to flux…
But again Kid is there, and she has the brass…
To give what I needed… a good kick in the ass…
She woke me up from that evil nightmare…
And awoke me into a place where…
That dream doesn’t matter if comes or not…
Because our friendship exists and that matters a lot…
I drift through the ages dreaming of you…
With soul so pure… and heart so true…
And of the day that finally she…
Will find her wings and fly with me…
From a lonely world that writhes in pain…
Away from the clouds… away from the rain…
To an Azure sky… and a Golden sun…
This dream to me has more than begun…
It is real to me… as the life that I live…
The air that I breathe… and the feelings I give…
So what do I see as I turn to the sky…?
I see us… up there… flying high…
With the wind in our faces… and the stars up above…
The clouds at our feet… and our hearts filled with love…
We’d race across oceans… We’d drift in the breeze…
We’d soar up the mountains… with our souls at ease…
Nothing else matters when I’m at her side…
Just the song in my heart… and my eyes opened wide….
To the dreams in my soul that one day we may share…
In this whole new world that I’ve started to dare…
To dream of a future… where Fate is dead…
What a beautiful thing I’ve got in my head…
You’ve taught me so much in the last 4 years…
But there’s one thing you taught me that brings me to tears…
No matter what happens… I believe in you…
Because the way that I see it… Dreams really come true…

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