Wednesday, June 23, 2004
I'm in the dreaming/emotional mood I get into sometimes... hehe... I saw some stars tonight too... I've been waiting so long to see them... I've also been thinking of what I might use for a sig... wrote this a little while ago... hehe - Whether I spend a lifetime with you in my arms... of If I die a lonely death... Know this... I'd give it all up... I'd die If I had too... just to see you smile... One more time... I Love you... and I always will... No Matter What... Given the right music I might end up crying... lol... well Back to dreaming... and stargazing... = D
A New Age...
I have finished a new piece.... hehe... enjoy:
A New Age: Not Yet...
A new age has come… and the world around me has changed once again… my life is taking an unexpected turn… Towards the society I once feared, I march… yet I am welcomed with open arms… an idea never thought possible in my mind… New friendships are born… and dying love is once again full of life… I have reached the first of my dreams… Life… I stand before people who once despised me… and hold hands with those who once feared me… Laughter echoes in the night… and I continue to dream into the mornings… every night, dreaming of Finding my faith… binding with destiny… and my love for Kid… as I always have… but not something comes to my mind… something new… something unexpected… something… wrong… I dream of the end… of the final moments of the war I will face when I return to Chronia… I see the final battle… I see… the final blow… as thrust Shi Te’ku forward into the belly of Fate… and as his corrupted form falls to the ground… as the battle around us ends… and the forces of Chronia stand tall in triumphant victory… it is the end…but I cannot see that… not now… not yet… How can I Dream of the end of my Path… when I have not even begun my journey…? I shake my head… yet it still drifts there… haunting me… I cannot look to the end… when I have not yet even begun… as I continue to wait for the day that my paths begin to combine… As I wait… I am faced with my curiosity… No one has told me of the Fate I dream… of the Path I have given myself… there are no signs… no visions… just a dream in my soul… What do I wait for? What is the cause of my journey….? What will the sign be… That tells me that Destiny has begun… and that I should begin my quest to find KwaL na’z Theli… Where do I go…? El’ Bah’Nok does not exist in this world… and I cannot hear the cries of the forgotten soul… but still I will go and search when the time is right… I will go to the ends of the earth and find it… but another obstacle now lies in front of me… My friends… my companions… the people I love… What do they say to my journey… to my destiny? What will they choose to believe… And the hardest thing to think about… will they come with me? For so many years… beyond the blindness of my pain… and my loneliness… this trial would be faced by me alone… but they were not here with me then… does the journey change now? Maybe this was not meant to be only my path… maybe it is the ever growing arms of destiny that have led these people to my side… Maybe it is for them to face too… in their own ways… It is too late for them to turn away… for their souls have intertwined with mine… at least I hope they have… My faith is in their hands now… what they choose to do, and to believe… will affect the story… especially one… Kid… Much of this rests on her…on her choices… on her beliefs… on her faith… So the fate of a Chronian rests in the hands of Humans… Being one of them… I find it ironic… that those controlled by time are linked to the one who controls time… So I must sit back and wait… and follow the currents of life… until the time is ready… and the true journey begins… I will not give up… no matter what happens… but I know this… If They are with me…. If She is with me…. If You are with me… I cannot fail…
A New Age: Not Yet...
A new age has come… and the world around me has changed once again… my life is taking an unexpected turn… Towards the society I once feared, I march… yet I am welcomed with open arms… an idea never thought possible in my mind… New friendships are born… and dying love is once again full of life… I have reached the first of my dreams… Life… I stand before people who once despised me… and hold hands with those who once feared me… Laughter echoes in the night… and I continue to dream into the mornings… every night, dreaming of Finding my faith… binding with destiny… and my love for Kid… as I always have… but not something comes to my mind… something new… something unexpected… something… wrong… I dream of the end… of the final moments of the war I will face when I return to Chronia… I see the final battle… I see… the final blow… as thrust Shi Te’ku forward into the belly of Fate… and as his corrupted form falls to the ground… as the battle around us ends… and the forces of Chronia stand tall in triumphant victory… it is the end…but I cannot see that… not now… not yet… How can I Dream of the end of my Path… when I have not even begun my journey…? I shake my head… yet it still drifts there… haunting me… I cannot look to the end… when I have not yet even begun… as I continue to wait for the day that my paths begin to combine… As I wait… I am faced with my curiosity… No one has told me of the Fate I dream… of the Path I have given myself… there are no signs… no visions… just a dream in my soul… What do I wait for? What is the cause of my journey….? What will the sign be… That tells me that Destiny has begun… and that I should begin my quest to find KwaL na’z Theli… Where do I go…? El’ Bah’Nok does not exist in this world… and I cannot hear the cries of the forgotten soul… but still I will go and search when the time is right… I will go to the ends of the earth and find it… but another obstacle now lies in front of me… My friends… my companions… the people I love… What do they say to my journey… to my destiny? What will they choose to believe… And the hardest thing to think about… will they come with me? For so many years… beyond the blindness of my pain… and my loneliness… this trial would be faced by me alone… but they were not here with me then… does the journey change now? Maybe this was not meant to be only my path… maybe it is the ever growing arms of destiny that have led these people to my side… Maybe it is for them to face too… in their own ways… It is too late for them to turn away… for their souls have intertwined with mine… at least I hope they have… My faith is in their hands now… what they choose to do, and to believe… will affect the story… especially one… Kid… Much of this rests on her…on her choices… on her beliefs… on her faith… So the fate of a Chronian rests in the hands of Humans… Being one of them… I find it ironic… that those controlled by time are linked to the one who controls time… So I must sit back and wait… and follow the currents of life… until the time is ready… and the true journey begins… I will not give up… no matter what happens… but I know this… If They are with me…. If She is with me…. If You are with me… I cannot fail…
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Javier's gift

Ok everyone (Jav here) this is a little thing I had to do for my friend Shayla. She did all the artwork for my story Perfect Symphonies (which will be continued soon) So I decided to show some artwork that she does. When I scan my character artwork for my story, I'll post that too. (This is clism. A character from her story Black Ice. See the story at If you want the full sized wallpaper, contact me via e-mail)

Should Have mentioned it Ealier... heh... Javier is going to be posting his work up on here now.... I'm having it so anything that has -Javier after the title is his, and if it doesnt have that it's me (Plus it'll say posted by Javier Guevara, or The Crimson Dreamer) well enjoy his work... And Don't take up too much space Jav... = P
Anyone else who has anything that they might wanna put up, just email me or im me... Well I've always wanted to say this...
- TCD out = P
Anyone else who has anything that they might wanna put up, just email me or im me... Well I've always wanted to say this...
- TCD out = P
ShI Te'Ku and KwaL na'z Theli
Monday, June 21, 2004
Perfect Symphonies - Javier
Choose to take the journey of self-discovery…
In a parallel world, but in similar times, the world of M’iel (me el) has a more laid back way of life (More forests, less cities, and relative peace.) Classic tales of groups of young kids who set out to journey and change the world are still told to the young. Enter our main character Toboe (toe bow A), who has always been enthralled by these stories. He decides to make a similar pilgrimage, but on his own accord. Of course it was easy for him to do it because he was orphaned since his parents died when he was seven. His brother Taita (tie sha) however, has lived with his aunt and uncle since that faithful day, when he was taken out of his mother when she was dying. (Toboe never lived with his aunt and uncle because they despise him, even though he doesn’t know why)
Toboe is all about making choices, whenever someone would ask for advice from him; he believes that you should never be bound to the words of a man who doesn’t know your true aura inside. He made the decision to go on his own so that his journey was his own passage (he hasn’t trust many people since that summer day.) His plans changed forever when he went to say goodbye to his brother, and he saw what awful things his relatives were doing to him. Toboe rescued him and let him choose whether or not he wanted to escape his life and go with him. After long thought, Taita decides to travel with Toboe and see the world for what it is.
Now as for me, I’m Vigo, (Veego) the narrator of the story (Don’t think that I don’t play an active role in this story though, I know your dying to see me in action.)
Enjoy the story for what it is and enjoy Toboe’s many adventures of the wondrous world of M’iel filled with magic, charm, and romance. Also remember what Vigo says, “No matter where your travels take you, you’ll always end up on top.”
Perfect Symphonies
Chapter 1
"Wake up Toboe!" A voice from far off called. It had to be his annoying friend lance, who always brought him away from his daydreaming.
"What do you want Lance?" Toboe said in a dejected way.
"Well, what I want is for you to get up off the ground and come to the forest with me so we can get our job done before the head mistress gets restless."
Toboe slowly rose from his once vegetate state, and then gently stroked his hair. He sighed knowing that today was going be another boring day in his meaningless life.
Lance and Toboe made there way into the forest to cut some firewood for the fireplace so that all the kids in the orphanage could enjoy some extra heat as spring quickly was dawning on the peaceful town of Almott. You see, Toboe and Lance are the oldest people in the orphanage, (with the exception of the head-mistress) so they took it upon themselves to be the big brothers of all the children.
Toboe and Lance chopped some wood and decided to go to the waterfall before taking the wood back. "I don't understand you sometimes." Lance said jokingly.
"I'm not sure I follow you." Toboe said.
"Well for starters, it's the middle of winter and you decide to go to the waterfalls. Also, it's dead of night and all you're wearing is a long-sleeved shirt."
"Nowadays, I don't feel things much. Inside me mentally and physically, so there's no need for me to use much needed clothes from the kids. Besides, I'm not going to go swimming; I'm going here to think about things.
"What could you possibly have to think about? There's not much to do in our life besides helping others, and running around annoying people."(How true)
Lance was confused beyond all belief. He thought that Toboe has been acting rather strangely lately. He's been a lot quieter, not as social, and he seemed to be depressed or that he had something important on his mind.
Now you have to be a little dense to not see what's wrong with Lance. (I will explain) Lance is a very plain person; he believes that all he sees is what is real. Sometimes, his "tunnel vision" constricts him from seeing the real problem within like in Toboe's situation right now.
"That's exactly it Lance! We don't have anything; our possessions are also the possessions of the orphanage." Toboe started getting exited in his reasoning
"So that supposed to make us happy?" Lance still didn't get it. (idiot)
"Well no, actually yes, it means that we aren't being manipulated by greed for more like most other people. There is only one thing that we possess, that no one else can possess."
"And that would be..." (His ignorance amazes me.)
"The freedom of our imagination, the freedom of life, the freedom of life. No matter what, no one can deprive us of that."
"That's some deep stuff Toboe." Lance finally got his thought.
"I don't know though, sometimes it's not enough. I just wish that there were something more to life than this." Toboe suddenly lost all of his excitement and started to fall into a depression.
"Come on now Toboe." Lance went over and grabbed Toboe's arm. He dragged him to the special spot under the water-fall. It was the special place that all the orphans would go to in the summer. They sat on a rock and thought hard about their life.
"You're lucky Lance."
'No you are the lucky one Toboe. You had your parents until you were seven. I never knew mine at all. They must have really hated me to just up and leave me like that." He began to cry.
6/21 to be continued
Saturday, June 19, 2004
New work coming
haha... I'll laugh if someone reads this before I change it... but what the hell...
I've got a new poem on the way... Ill keep the name disclosed for the time being... I dont want to spoil my own fun... *cocks the gun* lol... well anyway... This is probably my favorite piece so far... I hope you all like it when it's ready!
Ok it's ready!
The clock ticks forward day by day…
And my mind is still so far away…
In the world at which I want to be…
To continue to forge my destiny…
But something crossed my path in a way…
That brought sunlight to a cloudy day…
In my aching heart deep down inside…
In the old void where my dreams collide…
There were no more clouds and no more rain…
No more sadness and no more pain…
So now I am free of that terrible place…
And who do I thank? Who’s the one I embrace?
The girl who showed me the stars tonight…
And helped me escape my lonely blight…
Who is the girl that I’m talking about?
Take a wild guess… you’ll figure it out…
Called an Angel by them for the things that she did…
But to me, she is rascally known as “Kid”…
Kid I’ve admired for so many years…
As I recovered my soul, and overcame fears…
She has changed my world, the girl that I love…
My only true link to the stars up above…
The world is a desolate place without her…
But she is the answer, she is the cure…
To the worst of pains; a broken heart…
Cracked open wide… and torn apart…
With her laugh and her smile the pain is gone…
And with that the darkness withers to dawn…
I dream of a day when you’re by my side…
Hand in hand on our wings we will stride…
It is only a dream… as much as that sucks…
The idea causes my emotions to flux…
But again Kid is there, and she has the brass…
To give what I needed… a good kick in the ass…
She woke me up from that evil nightmare…
And awoke me into a place where…
That dream doesn’t matter if comes or not…
Because our friendship exists and that matters a lot…
I drift through the ages dreaming of you…
With soul so pure… and heart so true…
And of the day that finally she…
Will find her wings and fly with me…
From a lonely world that writhes in pain…
Away from the clouds… away from the rain…
To an Azure sky… and a Golden sun…
This dream to me has more than begun…
It is real to me… as the life that I live…
The air that I breathe… and the feelings I give…
So what do I see as I turn to the sky…?
I see us… up there… flying high…
With the wind in our faces… and the stars up above…
The clouds at our feet… and our hearts filled with love…
We’d race across oceans… We’d drift in the breeze…
We’d soar up the mountains… with our souls at ease…
Nothing else matters when I’m at her side…
Just the song in my heart… and my eyes opened wide….
To the dreams in my soul that one day we may share…
In this whole new world that I’ve started to dare…
To dream of a future… where Fate is dead…
What a beautiful thing I’ve got in my head…
You’ve taught me so much in the last 4 years…
But there’s one thing you taught me that brings me to tears…
No matter what happens… I believe in you…
Because the way that I see it… Dreams really come true…
I've got a new poem on the way... Ill keep the name disclosed for the time being... I dont want to spoil my own fun... *cocks the gun* lol... well anyway... This is probably my favorite piece so far... I hope you all like it when it's ready!
Ok it's ready!
The clock ticks forward day by day…
And my mind is still so far away…
In the world at which I want to be…
To continue to forge my destiny…
But something crossed my path in a way…
That brought sunlight to a cloudy day…
In my aching heart deep down inside…
In the old void where my dreams collide…
There were no more clouds and no more rain…
No more sadness and no more pain…
So now I am free of that terrible place…
And who do I thank? Who’s the one I embrace?
The girl who showed me the stars tonight…
And helped me escape my lonely blight…
Who is the girl that I’m talking about?
Take a wild guess… you’ll figure it out…
Called an Angel by them for the things that she did…
But to me, she is rascally known as “Kid”…
Kid I’ve admired for so many years…
As I recovered my soul, and overcame fears…
She has changed my world, the girl that I love…
My only true link to the stars up above…
The world is a desolate place without her…
But she is the answer, she is the cure…
To the worst of pains; a broken heart…
Cracked open wide… and torn apart…
With her laugh and her smile the pain is gone…
And with that the darkness withers to dawn…
I dream of a day when you’re by my side…
Hand in hand on our wings we will stride…
It is only a dream… as much as that sucks…
The idea causes my emotions to flux…
But again Kid is there, and she has the brass…
To give what I needed… a good kick in the ass…
She woke me up from that evil nightmare…
And awoke me into a place where…
That dream doesn’t matter if comes or not…
Because our friendship exists and that matters a lot…
I drift through the ages dreaming of you…
With soul so pure… and heart so true…
And of the day that finally she…
Will find her wings and fly with me…
From a lonely world that writhes in pain…
Away from the clouds… away from the rain…
To an Azure sky… and a Golden sun…
This dream to me has more than begun…
It is real to me… as the life that I live…
The air that I breathe… and the feelings I give…
So what do I see as I turn to the sky…?
I see us… up there… flying high…
With the wind in our faces… and the stars up above…
The clouds at our feet… and our hearts filled with love…
We’d race across oceans… We’d drift in the breeze…
We’d soar up the mountains… with our souls at ease…
Nothing else matters when I’m at her side…
Just the song in my heart… and my eyes opened wide….
To the dreams in my soul that one day we may share…
In this whole new world that I’ve started to dare…
To dream of a future… where Fate is dead…
What a beautiful thing I’ve got in my head…
You’ve taught me so much in the last 4 years…
But there’s one thing you taught me that brings me to tears…
No matter what happens… I believe in you…
Because the way that I see it… Dreams really come true…
Monday, June 07, 2004
The Beginning... (the conclusion to The End)
After getting a wakeup call, I wanted to finish The End in a more... positive way... Im sorry to everyone who thought I was feeling really bad... I just got caught up in some stuff... hehe... Well thank Initial D, and Telling off that old bitch (Haha, ask me about it, it was nice) for getting my mind off it, and then gettin yelled at to finally break the chain... Thanks kid...
Heres Part One to prevent confusion
The End...
I stand atop the highest plateau… waiting for the clouds to open… I think I can see them… the stars…I… I have spent my lifetime waiting for this day… And now its finally here… the void inside me is going to close… close forever… My thoughts… my dreams have brought me to this day… and now it is time to say goodbye to an empty… lonely world… As I look up… I can see it… the break in the clouds… a crack to the outside world… a doorway to freedom… The time is right… and I sprout my wings… and take off… The clouds still roar with thunder…and lightning still dances across the sky… The time will soon come when I enter the clouds… and the maelstrom above… It is then that I must concentrate… The black ground below slowly disappears… and the grey mist of the clouds surrounds me… as I continue to fly upward… I can feel the winds getting stronger… but I must press onward… The darkest part of my world is here… it is the core… the center of my confusion… my chaos… it is what keeps me from escaping… until now… I can see the opening… and as I race for it… I am chasing by lightning… a demon refusing to let go of its vessel… Closer and closer I get to reaching my goal… the strength of endless dreams and desires fuels my raging fury… it is so close to me… suddenly for the first time in a lifetime… I see the light of the sun… I am almost there… I am almost free… but the gap slowly begins to close… I must reach it in time… before I am too late… Energy surges through me… and my wings press through the gale winds… I am going to make it! I feel warmth inside… The light passes onto my skin… And I can feel the warmth of its light… as I pass through the barrier… and before I can look up... Time stops… My hand reaching out… to you… you the one who has made it possible… I can see you there… it is too bright to see your face… but I can see your eyes… staring back at me… I am free I know I am… I see your hand motion towards me…but then my eyes shut… I cringe in pain… confused… I remain there frozen… unable to move… only my eyes… and as I look down to the horror… A spear impales my chest… a spear with the emblem of… an angel… it is… yours… unable to breathe… I can see myself beginning to fall… my body falls backward… towards the barrier that is the void… the last of you I see… is your face… no longer shrouded in darkness… smiling… laughing… as you walk away… this world disappears.. and the only things I can feel inside are the surge of pain from my heart… and the tears falling from my eyes...
I see the sun… the oh so beautiful sun… rising into the sky… just as the opening to what would set me free… closes in front of me… I continue to fall… I leave behind a trail of dead feathers… and tears… my wings slowly begin to wither and die… and the winds of the maelstrom… throw me across the plains… soon the clouds stretch across my view… as I break through their grasp… feathers chaotically drifting in the winds… my hand still reaching out… as I hit the ground… with a skull shattering blow… The plains roar with thunder… and it begins to rain… my body is broken… my soul is shattered… my wings are lifeless bones on the ground under me… but I feel nothing… not the cracks in my skull… not the raindrops falling on my face… mixing with the tears of blood falling from my eyes… just the pain of a spear impaled through my dying heart… and Fate… watching me from above… laughing… but I am not to die this day… my malediction is much worse… I am doomed to exist for eternity… with broken bone and shattered will… glaring up at the sky… as it rains down upon me... my hand still stretch out… out to you…
and Part II - The Beginning...
It’s time to open my eyes. There’s more to this... there’s got to be... There’s more emotion elsewhere... and I’ve seen it... and I’ve brought it back with me... There is so much pain... but I can’t let go... not of the world I created… even if I never see it... it’s still mine to command! And with that I make another choice.. with a little yelling of course.. It’s time to let go of this spear... and forget the past... its time to start living in the future... the way I did back then... and so I place my hands on this spear that I have driven into my soul... and I grasp it firm... and with all my strength... well lets just say it FUCKING hurt! Anyway... with that... I could feel my body changing... and the void around me... the rain stops... and the cracks in the rocks begin to slowly repair themselves... so this is truly my heart... As I feel my body once again I slowly make my way to my feet... and with a snap of my hands... the pain is gone... there is no more hole in my body… and the cracks in my skull are gone... Everything makes sense again… and now I realize... I must go. If Fate won’t give me a way out... and with a mere thought, the feathers on my wings again flutter in the wind... I’ll just have to make my own! And with that I give myself a running start... with the speed of Hawk Dynedockia I burst into the horizon... It’s time... I know now that the time is right to leave this place... my wings spread and my eyes focused on the sky above, I speed up the largest plateau... the same one I began my journey on... and with my last look of the plain below me, I took off into the maelstrom.
The winds do not falter my speed… as I race through the clouds above... I can see the end... the barrier... Fate’s hands are stretched out before me... With the thought, the spear that had pierced my body comes to my hand. The sorrow and pain this whole void, in essence lies in that spear... and with all my strength, of the powers of every moment in time... past... present... future... combine into one, I thrust it forward into the clouds in front of me… and the hands of Fate Shattered today... I fly through the barrier out of this void... victorious... As I take the first breath in a brand new world, the spear still flying forward in front of my transforms... out of the shadows, and out of the sorrow... comes the greatest blade ever forged... the reborn blade of KwaL Na'z Theli... Sword of Dreams... Shi-Teku... and as I grasp my forgotten blade... I feel my soul deep down inside... I am Chronian once again... I have won my first battle... in the war against Fate... but I do not stop in the world above… I press onward… into the sunny sky… into the stars… Into space… I dream once more! Towards Chronia! Towards Destiny! And I have you… the one who threw that spear… no… you who have given me the start I needed so many times… when my mind is caught in the snare of pestilence… you are there to let it loose… time and time again... thanks kid...
Heres Part One to prevent confusion
The End...
I stand atop the highest plateau… waiting for the clouds to open… I think I can see them… the stars…I… I have spent my lifetime waiting for this day… And now its finally here… the void inside me is going to close… close forever… My thoughts… my dreams have brought me to this day… and now it is time to say goodbye to an empty… lonely world… As I look up… I can see it… the break in the clouds… a crack to the outside world… a doorway to freedom… The time is right… and I sprout my wings… and take off… The clouds still roar with thunder…and lightning still dances across the sky… The time will soon come when I enter the clouds… and the maelstrom above… It is then that I must concentrate… The black ground below slowly disappears… and the grey mist of the clouds surrounds me… as I continue to fly upward… I can feel the winds getting stronger… but I must press onward… The darkest part of my world is here… it is the core… the center of my confusion… my chaos… it is what keeps me from escaping… until now… I can see the opening… and as I race for it… I am chasing by lightning… a demon refusing to let go of its vessel… Closer and closer I get to reaching my goal… the strength of endless dreams and desires fuels my raging fury… it is so close to me… suddenly for the first time in a lifetime… I see the light of the sun… I am almost there… I am almost free… but the gap slowly begins to close… I must reach it in time… before I am too late… Energy surges through me… and my wings press through the gale winds… I am going to make it! I feel warmth inside… The light passes onto my skin… And I can feel the warmth of its light… as I pass through the barrier… and before I can look up... Time stops… My hand reaching out… to you… you the one who has made it possible… I can see you there… it is too bright to see your face… but I can see your eyes… staring back at me… I am free I know I am… I see your hand motion towards me…but then my eyes shut… I cringe in pain… confused… I remain there frozen… unable to move… only my eyes… and as I look down to the horror… A spear impales my chest… a spear with the emblem of… an angel… it is… yours… unable to breathe… I can see myself beginning to fall… my body falls backward… towards the barrier that is the void… the last of you I see… is your face… no longer shrouded in darkness… smiling… laughing… as you walk away… this world disappears.. and the only things I can feel inside are the surge of pain from my heart… and the tears falling from my eyes...
I see the sun… the oh so beautiful sun… rising into the sky… just as the opening to what would set me free… closes in front of me… I continue to fall… I leave behind a trail of dead feathers… and tears… my wings slowly begin to wither and die… and the winds of the maelstrom… throw me across the plains… soon the clouds stretch across my view… as I break through their grasp… feathers chaotically drifting in the winds… my hand still reaching out… as I hit the ground… with a skull shattering blow… The plains roar with thunder… and it begins to rain… my body is broken… my soul is shattered… my wings are lifeless bones on the ground under me… but I feel nothing… not the cracks in my skull… not the raindrops falling on my face… mixing with the tears of blood falling from my eyes… just the pain of a spear impaled through my dying heart… and Fate… watching me from above… laughing… but I am not to die this day… my malediction is much worse… I am doomed to exist for eternity… with broken bone and shattered will… glaring up at the sky… as it rains down upon me... my hand still stretch out… out to you…
and Part II - The Beginning...
It’s time to open my eyes. There’s more to this... there’s got to be... There’s more emotion elsewhere... and I’ve seen it... and I’ve brought it back with me... There is so much pain... but I can’t let go... not of the world I created… even if I never see it... it’s still mine to command! And with that I make another choice.. with a little yelling of course.. It’s time to let go of this spear... and forget the past... its time to start living in the future... the way I did back then... and so I place my hands on this spear that I have driven into my soul... and I grasp it firm... and with all my strength... well lets just say it FUCKING hurt! Anyway... with that... I could feel my body changing... and the void around me... the rain stops... and the cracks in the rocks begin to slowly repair themselves... so this is truly my heart... As I feel my body once again I slowly make my way to my feet... and with a snap of my hands... the pain is gone... there is no more hole in my body… and the cracks in my skull are gone... Everything makes sense again… and now I realize... I must go. If Fate won’t give me a way out... and with a mere thought, the feathers on my wings again flutter in the wind... I’ll just have to make my own! And with that I give myself a running start... with the speed of Hawk Dynedockia I burst into the horizon... It’s time... I know now that the time is right to leave this place... my wings spread and my eyes focused on the sky above, I speed up the largest plateau... the same one I began my journey on... and with my last look of the plain below me, I took off into the maelstrom.
The winds do not falter my speed… as I race through the clouds above... I can see the end... the barrier... Fate’s hands are stretched out before me... With the thought, the spear that had pierced my body comes to my hand. The sorrow and pain this whole void, in essence lies in that spear... and with all my strength, of the powers of every moment in time... past... present... future... combine into one, I thrust it forward into the clouds in front of me… and the hands of Fate Shattered today... I fly through the barrier out of this void... victorious... As I take the first breath in a brand new world, the spear still flying forward in front of my transforms... out of the shadows, and out of the sorrow... comes the greatest blade ever forged... the reborn blade of KwaL Na'z Theli... Sword of Dreams... Shi-Teku... and as I grasp my forgotten blade... I feel my soul deep down inside... I am Chronian once again... I have won my first battle... in the war against Fate... but I do not stop in the world above… I press onward… into the sunny sky… into the stars… Into space… I dream once more! Towards Chronia! Towards Destiny! And I have you… the one who threw that spear… no… you who have given me the start I needed so many times… when my mind is caught in the snare of pestilence… you are there to let it loose… time and time again... thanks kid...
Sunday, June 06, 2004
My World...
New work... and if your worried, Im not depressed or anything, though my writing would say otherwise right now...
My World...
There is place far away from here… a place beyond any horizon… beyond your sight... beyond your comprehension… It is a dark place… an endless plain of black rock… cracked and jagged… and above, only clouds… dark grey clouds with lightning coursing through them. It is always raining… There is nothing… nothing at the end of this horizon… nothing… but one… a dark figure… soaked in water… in tears… in blood… Frozen to his soul… as he stands against the rain pouring down on him… This darkness… this pain… this… is the void… this… is my world… and that figure… with tears in his eyes… and a fist full of blood… is none other than the Crimson Dreamer himself… I am that man… that shell… with nothing inside me but this world that I see around me… Many times have I tried to escape this place… but as I break the boundaries of it, Fate intervenes… and I tumble back down to this dark earth… There is nothing here… and no one… so I much walk these plains for eternity… with nothing to set me free from this burden… but wait… in a flash of light this world is gone… and I am in another place… your world… where I am with all of you… my friends… and we talk… and we laugh… and we exist… together… l stand here too… facing the sunset… with wings drifting in the breeze… hand in hand… with the one I love… but then another flash of light… and I am in a world I have never seen… standing before Fate… My Crimson Blade in hand, ready to fight the battle that is my destiny… but my eyes open… and I am once again in the never ending rain… they are all just echoes… in my mind… These are dreams… dreams that are never going to come… love that will never blossom… destiny that will never come to pass… This is the world that I must live in every day… with the tears of loneliness in my heart… and the blood that bleeds from my soul as I am battered down by society… It is so cold here… and there is nothing to keep me safe… to keep me warm… to keep me happy… I have lost it all to Fate… but it does not stop me from dreaming for another day… To stand up tall in the pouring rain… cold… sad… and lonely… and Dream of a place where this world does not exist… Where I hold my beloved in my arms… and where I truly fly on my wings of time… but then I wake up from the dream… and the day begins again… There is nothing left and nowhere to go… there is no more song in my heart… there is no more skip in my step… just the aimless path that I walk in this place…. Hoping to find something… or someone… so each day passes me by... another lonely day is over with… and a new one is here in its place… Think not of this place… but that shouldn’t be too hard for the oblivious children of earth…
My World...
There is place far away from here… a place beyond any horizon… beyond your sight... beyond your comprehension… It is a dark place… an endless plain of black rock… cracked and jagged… and above, only clouds… dark grey clouds with lightning coursing through them. It is always raining… There is nothing… nothing at the end of this horizon… nothing… but one… a dark figure… soaked in water… in tears… in blood… Frozen to his soul… as he stands against the rain pouring down on him… This darkness… this pain… this… is the void… this… is my world… and that figure… with tears in his eyes… and a fist full of blood… is none other than the Crimson Dreamer himself… I am that man… that shell… with nothing inside me but this world that I see around me… Many times have I tried to escape this place… but as I break the boundaries of it, Fate intervenes… and I tumble back down to this dark earth… There is nothing here… and no one… so I much walk these plains for eternity… with nothing to set me free from this burden… but wait… in a flash of light this world is gone… and I am in another place… your world… where I am with all of you… my friends… and we talk… and we laugh… and we exist… together… l stand here too… facing the sunset… with wings drifting in the breeze… hand in hand… with the one I love… but then another flash of light… and I am in a world I have never seen… standing before Fate… My Crimson Blade in hand, ready to fight the battle that is my destiny… but my eyes open… and I am once again in the never ending rain… they are all just echoes… in my mind… These are dreams… dreams that are never going to come… love that will never blossom… destiny that will never come to pass… This is the world that I must live in every day… with the tears of loneliness in my heart… and the blood that bleeds from my soul as I am battered down by society… It is so cold here… and there is nothing to keep me safe… to keep me warm… to keep me happy… I have lost it all to Fate… but it does not stop me from dreaming for another day… To stand up tall in the pouring rain… cold… sad… and lonely… and Dream of a place where this world does not exist… Where I hold my beloved in my arms… and where I truly fly on my wings of time… but then I wake up from the dream… and the day begins again… There is nothing left and nowhere to go… there is no more song in my heart… there is no more skip in my step… just the aimless path that I walk in this place…. Hoping to find something… or someone… so each day passes me by... another lonely day is over with… and a new one is here in its place… Think not of this place… but that shouldn’t be too hard for the oblivious children of earth…
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
The End...
I just finished another piece... I don't think a lot of people are going to like this one... but here it is... A good song to go along with it is No More Words... by Ayumi Hamasaki The first minute or so of it specifically
The End
I stand atop the highest plateau… waiting for the clouds to open… I think I can see them… the stars…I… I have spent my lifetime waiting for this day… And now its finally here… the void inside me is going to close… close forever… My thoughts… my dreams have brought me to this day… and now it is time to say goodbye to an empty… lonely world… As I look up… I can see it… the break in the clouds… a crack to the outside world… a doorway to freedom… The time is right… and I sprout my wings… and take off… The clouds still roar with thunder…and lightning still dances across the sky… The time will soon come when I enter the clouds… and the maelstrom above… It is then that I must concentrate… The black ground below slowly disappears… and the grey mist of the clouds surrounds me… as I continue to fly upward… I can feel the winds getting stronger… but I must press onward… The darkest part of my world is here… it is the core… the center of my confusion… my chaos… it is what keeps me from escaping… until now… I can see the opening… and as I race for it… I am chasing by lightning… a demon refusing to let go of its vessel… Closer and closer I get to reaching my goal… the strength of endless dreams and desires fuels my raging fury… it is so close to me… suddenly for the first time in a lifetime… I see the light of the sun… I am almost there… I am almost free… but the gap slowly begins to close… I must reach it in time… before I am too late… Energy surges through me… and my wings press through the gale winds… I am going to make it! I feel warmth inside… The light passes onto my skin… And I can feel the warmth of its light… as I pass through the barrier… and before I can look up... Time stops… My hand reaching out… to you… you the one who has made it possible… I can see you there… it is too bright to see your face… but I can see your eyes… staring back at me… I am free I know I am… I see your hand motion towards me…but then my eyes shut… I cringe in pain… confused… I remain there frozen… unable to move… only my eyes… and as I look down to the horror… A spear impales my chest… a spear with the emblem of… an angel… it is… yours… unable to breathe… I can see myself beginning to fall… my body falls backward… towards the barrier that is the void… the last of you I see… is your face… no longer shrouded in darkness… smiling… laughing… as you walk away… this world disappears.. and the only things I can feel inside are the surge of pain from my heart… and the tears falling from my eyes... I see the sun… the oh so beautiful sun… rising into the sky… just as the opening to what would set me free… closes in front of me… I continue to fall… I leave behind a trail of dead feathers… and tears… my wings slowly begin to wither and die… and the winds of the maelstrom… throw me across the plains… soon the clouds stretch across my view… as I break through their grasp… feathers chaotically drifting in the winds… my hand still reaching out… as I hit the ground… with a skull shattering blow… The plains roar with thunder… and it begins to rain… my body is broken… my soul is shattered… my wings are lifeless bones on the ground under me… but I feel nothing… not the cracks in my skull… not the raindrops falling on my face… mixing with the tears of blood falling from my eyes… just the pain of a spear impaled through my dying heart… and Fate… watching me from above… laughing… but I am not to die this day… my malediction is much worse… I am doomed to exist for eternity… with broken bone and shattered will… glaring up at the sky… as it rains down upon me... my hand still stretched out… out to you…
The End
I stand atop the highest plateau… waiting for the clouds to open… I think I can see them… the stars…I… I have spent my lifetime waiting for this day… And now its finally here… the void inside me is going to close… close forever… My thoughts… my dreams have brought me to this day… and now it is time to say goodbye to an empty… lonely world… As I look up… I can see it… the break in the clouds… a crack to the outside world… a doorway to freedom… The time is right… and I sprout my wings… and take off… The clouds still roar with thunder…and lightning still dances across the sky… The time will soon come when I enter the clouds… and the maelstrom above… It is then that I must concentrate… The black ground below slowly disappears… and the grey mist of the clouds surrounds me… as I continue to fly upward… I can feel the winds getting stronger… but I must press onward… The darkest part of my world is here… it is the core… the center of my confusion… my chaos… it is what keeps me from escaping… until now… I can see the opening… and as I race for it… I am chasing by lightning… a demon refusing to let go of its vessel… Closer and closer I get to reaching my goal… the strength of endless dreams and desires fuels my raging fury… it is so close to me… suddenly for the first time in a lifetime… I see the light of the sun… I am almost there… I am almost free… but the gap slowly begins to close… I must reach it in time… before I am too late… Energy surges through me… and my wings press through the gale winds… I am going to make it! I feel warmth inside… The light passes onto my skin… And I can feel the warmth of its light… as I pass through the barrier… and before I can look up... Time stops… My hand reaching out… to you… you the one who has made it possible… I can see you there… it is too bright to see your face… but I can see your eyes… staring back at me… I am free I know I am… I see your hand motion towards me…but then my eyes shut… I cringe in pain… confused… I remain there frozen… unable to move… only my eyes… and as I look down to the horror… A spear impales my chest… a spear with the emblem of… an angel… it is… yours… unable to breathe… I can see myself beginning to fall… my body falls backward… towards the barrier that is the void… the last of you I see… is your face… no longer shrouded in darkness… smiling… laughing… as you walk away… this world disappears.. and the only things I can feel inside are the surge of pain from my heart… and the tears falling from my eyes... I see the sun… the oh so beautiful sun… rising into the sky… just as the opening to what would set me free… closes in front of me… I continue to fall… I leave behind a trail of dead feathers… and tears… my wings slowly begin to wither and die… and the winds of the maelstrom… throw me across the plains… soon the clouds stretch across my view… as I break through their grasp… feathers chaotically drifting in the winds… my hand still reaching out… as I hit the ground… with a skull shattering blow… The plains roar with thunder… and it begins to rain… my body is broken… my soul is shattered… my wings are lifeless bones on the ground under me… but I feel nothing… not the cracks in my skull… not the raindrops falling on my face… mixing with the tears of blood falling from my eyes… just the pain of a spear impaled through my dying heart… and Fate… watching me from above… laughing… but I am not to die this day… my malediction is much worse… I am doomed to exist for eternity… with broken bone and shattered will… glaring up at the sky… as it rains down upon me... my hand still stretched out… out to you…
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